Self-heal, Allheal, Heal-all
(Prunella vulgaris)
For centuries herbalists have been lavish with their praise of this plants curative powers. Before
the advent of modern medicine, it was often used to treat cuts, bruises and even internal ailments
like ulcers.
Growing Info: This perennial is
hard to temperatures as low as -20 F (-29 degrees C) and occurs naturally throughout Europe and
adjacent Eurasia. It has quickly become naturalized to North America and Australia as well. It
is an attractive, low-growing plant that spreads out well and will colonize an area with its
creeping root stocks and by seed as well. It will grow as high as 12 inches tall when it flowers
with violet blossoms in the summer. Self-heal flowers form in dense clusters at stem ends, each
with a two lipped arrangement with its upper petal resembling a hood.
Grows well in average to good soil where plants will
get full sun to partial shade. Routine watering will result in best growth, but when somewhat
neglected, it grows good as well. New sprouted plants can be transplanted in early spring. Will
allow propagating from cuttings, but using root segments removed from established clumps is the
easiest method.
Standard Uses: Self-heal is an
attractive plant in its own right and makes a very good ornamental addition to most gardens. As
it is a vigorous grower, be careful not to position it near areas where this would be a
detriment. It tends to spread well and its centuries-old folk medicinal uses makes for an
interesting addition with historical associations.
Medicinal Uses: An infusion is
said to be effective with most internal ailments. Also good for use with external wounds. Was
used centuries ago to aid in healing wounds, but with better modern medicinal alternatives, can
best be used now to aid the healing of closed wounds and bruises. Some have said recently that
an extract from the plant can inhibit the HIV virus.